OWN MART is an E-commerce web site, selling the products like personal care, FMCG and general. OWN MART was maintained by VLR Groups. OWN MART (VLR Groups) is not product manufacturing company.
The following rules of conduct and Distributor policies have been established for your protection. They represent the code of ethics by which all Distributors must operate. We encourage you to read and understand them, so that you are fully aware, not only of your obligations but also of your rights as an Independent OWN MART Distributor. We want to work together to uphold the highest possible ethical standards. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of OWN MART, its sales and marketing plan, and its distribution network of independent Distributors.
1. OWN MART is not a pyramid or chain distribution scheme. A pyramid is a scheme in which an individual pays for the right to recruit additional persons into the scheme who, in turn, receive the same right to receive profits from recruiting others. Three common elements of a pyramid scheme have been identified as: (1) a large, required initial investment or purchase of inventory (2) direct payment for recruiting additional persons into the scheme and, (3) little or no emphasis on selling products to consumers.
2. OWN MART Plan contains none of the above-described elements. OWN MART Distributors earn money by selling products to their customers directly, but not from the introduction of additional persons into the business. It is important when recruiting new members to adequately emphasize retail selling, and advise new members that they are not obligated to purchase product stocks.
3. OWN MART Members/ Distributors are obliged to always be honest and share only accurate and truthful information about all OWN MART selling products, and the OWN MART Business Model.
To become an OWN MART Distributor, an applicant must register on a OWN MART Distributor Website, or on OWN MART Main Website. During the registration process, the applicant will be required to provide the name of the sponsor that had recruited him/her. The sponsor can only be an active OWN MART Distributor. Registration will be completed when the applicant must purchase any one of OWN MART Packages in order to become fully active distributor. If applicants are not affording to purchase a package, those applicants are to be pay some amount as advance for OWN MART packages in order to become a partial active distributor. The advance amount will be deducted in amount of package purchasing. The applicant then becomes a fully/partial active OWN MART Distributor who can recruit and sponsor other OWN MART Distributors into the network. OWN MART reserves the right at its sole discretion, to reject any application, without giving reasons for the rejection.
If partial active distributor will be failed to purchase the package in 12 months of period from date of advanced paid, render the distributorship will be dormant. Those distributors get a product value of advanced amount after 12 months of period. A dormant distributorship cannot earn commissions nor can they be reactivated through purchase of stock. As such they will be deemed to have resigned.
Former Distributors who want to re-apply to become a Distributor again, under the same sponsor as their previous membership, may do so at any time. Former Distributors are must purchase OWN MART package with total amount pay, when want to re-apply to become a Distributor again. They will be issued a new membership number and initiate a new distributorship.
If a former Distributor who wishes to re-apply to become a Distributor under a different sponsor, must wait for at least 90 days after the Distributorship lapsed.
Distributors must comply with all OWN MART rules of conduct and any amendments or additions together with any procedures, recommendations, guidelines or instructions which may be issued from time to time. Distributors must keep themselves up to date with the terms and conditions, as well as any changes which may be made from time to time.
OWN MART business opportunity is open to people from all walks of life, regardless of sex, race, nationality, religious beliefs or political affiliations.
The only cost required of an applicant to become a Distributor is the purchase of OWN MART Package. After become a Distributor, he/she can purchase a single product in OWN MART web site. OWN MART selling products will be sold on a cash basis only, and no credit shall be entered into.
Applicants must be over 18 years of age and otherwise legally capable of entering into a contractual agreement. Applicants under the age of 18 must obtain consent from their guardians.
An individual may operate only one OWN MART Distributorship account, and may have only a single sponsor.
In the event that an individual complete and submit more than one application for Distributorship, the first accepted by OWN MART is considered the valid Distributorship. If OWN MART determines that an individual has submitted an application for Distributorship, while obligated to a prior Distributorship, OWN MART has sole and absolute discretion to determine the disposition of both Distributors, as well as any penalties or sanctions it deems necessary and appropriate for the Distributors and the sponsors.
OWN MART does not charge a membership fee. Members remain at a Distributor rank by virtue of the sales performance.
OWN MART grants the Distributor the right to operate the throughout the Telangana and Andra Pradesh.
OWN MART Distributor shall always conduct themselves in a courteous and considerate manner. All presentations of OWN MART selling products must be complete and truthful, including but not limited to, instructions on the usage directions and precautions.
OWN MART offers a Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If your customer is not completely satisfied with their purchase, we will replace it without charge, or credit you against another product, or refund in full. The product must be returned with proof of purchase within 15 days. The satisfaction guarantee does not apply to products that have been misused.
All OWN MART Distributors are independent business persons with a direct contractual relationship to VLR Groups. No Distributor shall represent or imply that he has any employment relationship with VLR Groups or with any of its affiliated companies. Distributors may NOT use the words "employee", "agent" or "company representative" verbally or on any stationery, business cards, or other printed material.
No Distributor shall knowingly submit false or misleading information to OWN MART (VLR Groups). Violation of this rule could lead to rejection of your application or termination of your Distributorship. Sponsors are required to exercise care and diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the information supplied by their downlines. Fraud committed by downlines will negatively affect the sponsors distributorship and may result in action taken against the sponsor such as, but not limited to, withholding of commissions, opening of a criminal case for fraud etc No distributor may make false representations or make statements which amount to misrepresentation as part of their OWN MART opportunity or product presentation.
A resigning Distributor may return unused product or sales material which are current products, unopened and in resalable condition, for repurchase under the following terms and conditions.
1. The products must have been purchased from OWN MART within the last 15 days, and the resigning Distributor must provide proof of purchase.
2. OWN MART reserves the right to offer the upline of the resigning Distributor the opportunity to repurchase those products directly, for a period not to exceed twoweeks. If the upline does not repurchase the inventory, the Distributor will then be directed to return the products to OWN MART.
3. Upon receipt of these items, reimbursement to the Distributor will be issued for the full amount paid for the returned product by the Distributor, less a restocking charge of 20%. OWN MART will submit such product to our laboratories to ensure that the product is in resaleable condition. The refunds shall be processed in an estimated 90 days from the date of reporting.
A sponsor is responsible for properly training their personally sponsored Distributors. Training must include product knowledge, marketing plan, rules of conduct, company rules and guidelines for Distributors. They may seek assistance from their upline Distributor, but the primary responsibility remains their own.
A sponsor must maintain & uphold the independent relationship between themselves and their Distributors.
The Distributor/Sponsor relationship is the foundation of the OWN MART sales and marketing plan and as such, the principles and rules of the company protect the rights of the sponsor. Changes of sponsorship are detrimental to the integrity of the business and are not permitted. In order to protect the sponsor, no Distributor may interfere with the relationship between another Distributor and their sponsor in any way. A Distributor may not offer, entice, encourage, solicit, or otherwise influence or attempt to persuade another Distributor to change his sponsor or line of sponsorship, either directly or indirectly.
In the event of evidence coming to light that a Distributor, who re-joined OWN MART under a different sponsor, had re-applied to be a Distributor prior to the 90-day period, then OWN MART has the sole and absolute discretion to apply penalties to the Distributorship. Penalties will be assessed by OWN MART in its sole discretion, and include, but are not limited to, the transfer of all sponsored Distributors in the new Distributorship to the original sponsor's organisation, financial penalties, suspension and termination of the Distributor.
Upon the death of a Distributor who is an active participant in the business, the Distributorship will remain with the nominated beneficiary, or else the surviving spouse or heir.
Any other disposition of the Distributorship must be approved by OWN MART.
Upon the death of a distributor who is not active, the distributorship may not be.
Distributor must purchase all OWN MART selling products directly from the company. Product purchased will be recorded, and used to calculate personal and group commissions, as well as to award rank privileges.
A Distributor is prohibited from buying products from any other Distributor other than their direct upline. A Distributor is prohibited from selling to any other Distributors other than their downline.
Payment for all orders purchased from OWN MART must be made by the Distributor designated as the purchaser on the order, his spouse or partner or the first upline Distributor, unless written approval is given by OWN MART for payment to be made by another individual.
Distributors may not order product in the name of another Distributor, nor may they make payment for products ordered in another Distributors name. Ordering products in another distributors name could be interpreted as an attempt to improperly manipulate the operation of the marketing plan.
OWN MART (VLR Groups) is a wholesale/retail distribution company. Products purchased from the company are intended to be sold and distributed to retail customers, downline Distributors or used for Distributors and their immediate families own personal consumption.
The purchase of products solely as an attempt to qualify for advancement in the marketing plan is not permitted. Any such attempts will result in sanctions, including, but not limited to, demotion in team status, probation, suspension of buying privileges, and suspension of earnings, disqualification from bonus participation, deletion or termination of the Distributorship.
OWN MART (VLR Groups) is not responsible for product quality and if any consequences occurred after product usage. Because OWN MART does not have any single product manufacturing. OWN MART is only selling the products on e-commerce and social media platforms.
OWN MART selling products must be delivered to customers in original unopened packaging as supplied by the company. A Distributor may not modify in any way any of the labelling, literature, material or packaging of any OWN MART selling product or promotional material.
A Distributor may only use Company produced advertising and promotional material for their person to person or online promotion, including social media. The development of advertising material in the name of OWN MART by a distributor must be approved by the Company.
A Distributor may use OWN MART produced literature or promotional material solely for the purpose of conducting their business as a OWN MART Distributorship.
When offering the business opportunity or presenting the OWN MART sales and marketing plan, a Distributor must:
• Clearly indicate that the principal activity of a Distributor is to sell and distribute OWN MART selling products to consumers and may not represent or imply that this is secondary to sponsoring or building the business.
• Not imply or represent that a Distributor can benefit solely by the sponsoring of other Distributors.
• Not imply that a Distributor is under any obligation to sponsor others to become Distributors.
• Not imply that success may be achieved with little or no effort.
• Not make any statements which are not accurate or truthful.
• Not claim that high earnings can be easily achieved.
When a Distributor promotes or represents the earnings from her own or another Distributorship, he/she must at all times be truthful in her statements and it is necessary that the claims can be verified.
A Distributor must clearly indicate that sales discount, commissions and other earnings of a OWN MART Distributorship may only be achieved through the continuing sales of OWN MART products to retail customers by himself/herself and him/her sponsored Distributors and after certain qualifications have been met.
No Distributor or any other person may reproduce in whole or in part any printed material, audio, audio cassettes, video and film recordings that have been produced by OWNMART unless given written authorisation to do so by OWN MART.
Payments for products purchased may be made by the following means:
• Online Payment (Using bank card)
• Cash deposits
• Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Once payment is made by a Member, Proof of Payment must be sent to OWN MART finance department; via email or WhatsApp, and the Member is obliged to ensure that the OWN MART finance department has been notified of the payment, and that the finances department has received said Proof Of Payment.
Payment is recognized by OWN MART once the funds are reflected in the company’s bank account.
The date on which the funds for ‘First Purchase’ are reflected in the company’s bank account and the order marked as paid on the system is the date on which the distributor will be considered active.
Package can be collected or delivered once payment reflects to the company’s bank account.
Payments will not be made to 3rd parties, unless there is prior written arrangement accepted and approved by OWN MART (VLR Groups).
The OWN MART system is an online system and distributors have unlimited access to the system 24/7.
OWN MART Members are to ensure that their accurate banking details have been uploaded onto the OWN MART web site. It is also the possibility of each Member to ensure that their banking details are updated on the system, should any details change.
Once a distributor has become a member of OWN MART, The Sponsor has no right to claim that down liner, any distributor who have joined OWN MART business as an independent business owner has a relationship with OWN MART not the Sponsor. The Sponsor cannot influence their down liners in a negative way, they cannot convene protests against the company in any form.
Distributors cannot communicate with OWN MART regarding concerns, suggestions or any query as a group but as an individual. Distributors cannot be part of OWN MART strategic planning unless formally invited by OWN MART in writing. Distributor cannot contribute towards bonuses, commission plan and product development unless invited by OWN MART to do so.
Should we find a distributor or former distributor recruiting other distributors to his or her business or any other network, we will take legal action against that distributor & terminate his or her members with OWN MART without any notice.
Once a distributor has formed his or her network marketing company, OWN MART will have full right to terminate their membership within 24 hours. Distributor can never move their network or influence them to leave OWN MART to his or her network or to any other network.
OWN MART Distributor cannot have any business relationship with our suppliers, partners, and employees or ex-employees for at least 2 years.
OWN MART Distributor does not have a right to advise the company of any matter related to the business and cannot advise the company in media platform.
Once membership has been terminated due to any clause incoherent, OWN MART will no longer be obliged to pay you any bonuses or commissions due to you as a distributor.
Once a member become an OWN MART Distributor, he/she will eligible for earning level commissions and rank bonus.
A Distributor earning commissions based on downline purchases product BV points.
All Distributor can earn commissions from immediate 1st line to 7th line.
A Distributor can get commissions as percentage wise in downline BV points and percentage as follows, from 1st line as 25%, 2nd line as 16%, 3rd line as 8%, 4th line as 6%, 5th line as 6%, 6th line as 3% and 7th line as 3%.
A Distributor get rank bonus whenever he/she fulfils the targets on selling products.
OWN MART (VLR Groups) had the right change commission structure and marketing plan at any time and without prior information to Distributors.
OWN MART will pay the commissions or rank bonus to Distributor Bank accounts.
At any cost OWN MART will not pay physical cash to Distributors hand.
OWN MART will give the payouts once in a week (Monday or Tuesday). A Distributor must rise the request for withdraw. A Distributor can rise the withdraw request with a minimum amount of Rs. 300.
Settle all the Distributors wallet amount in every quarterly once, if Distributors are not rising request for withdraw.
Privacy Policy for VLR Groups OWN MART
Effective Date: 02-12-2024
1. Introduction
Welcome to OWN MART (VLR Groups) ("Company," "we," "our," "us"). We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled in a safe and responsible manner. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information when you interact with us.
2. Information We Collect
We may collect the following types of information:
• Personal Information: Name, email address, phone number, mailing address, date of birth, payment information, and any other information you provide to us.
• Usage Data: Information about how you use our website, products, and services, including IP address, browser type, operating system, and browsing behaviour.
• Transaction Information: Details about the products and services you purchase, including order history and payment information.
• Network Information: Information about your downline and upline in the MLM network, including names and contact details of your recruits.
3. How We Use Your Information
We use your information for the following purposes:
• Providing Services: To process orders, manage accounts, and provide customer support.
• Communication: To send you updates, promotional materials, and other information related to our products and services.
• Personalization: To personalize your experience with our company and recommend products and services that may be of interest to you.
• Network Management: To manage your position and performance within the MLM network.
• Compliance: To comply with legal obligations and protect our legal rights.
4. Sharing Your Information
We may share your information with:
• Service Providers: Third-party companies that perform services on our behalf, such as payment processing, order fulfilment, and marketing.
• MLM Network Participants: Other members of the MLM network as necessary to manage the network and your participation in it.
• Legal Authorities: Government authorities or other parties when required by law or to protect our legal rights.
5. Data Security
We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, no data transmission over the internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.
6. Your Rights
You have the following rights regarding your personal information:
• Access: You can request access to your personal information we hold.
• Correction: You can request that we correct or update your personal information.
• Deletion: You can request that we delete your personal information, subject to certain exceptions.
• Opt-Out: You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time.
7. Cookies and Tracking Technologies
We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to collect usage data, personalize your experience, and provide targeted advertising. You can control cookies through your browser settings and other tools.
8. Children's Privacy
Our services are not intended for children under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under 18, we will take steps to delete such information.
9. Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any significant changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on our website and updating the effective date. Your continued use of our services after any changes to this Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of the updated policy.
10. Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:
Address: H.No.: 1-80, Puttapaka(Vill), Narayanapur(Mdl), Yadadri Bhuvanagiri(Dist), Telangana, India, PIN code: 508253.